Friday, 31 January 2014

This Vision Shall Be!

'Write the vision and make it plain that he may run that reads it...though it tarries, wait for it for in the end, it shall speak'

Many years ago a young man thundered unto the scene by name Benson Idahosa. He announced that Nigeria was going to be a super-power in Christianity. He said that ware houses will turn to Churches and millions of Spirit filled Christians shall blaze the trail in Nigeria. He prophesied emergence of many young-men who will carry the fire of the Spirit and demonstrate the miraculous. He said of himself that he would preach in every continent of the globe and lead many to Christ. Continue...

Thursday, 30 January 2014

Heed the Clarion call ...of Prayer!

Behind every great move of God there is always seasoned men and women of prayer. Charles G. Finney is inarguably one of the greatest and most effective soul winner and revivalist since the apostolic time and he had Father Nash, a seasoned prayer warrior as his partner. The story has been told of how Father Nash will go months ahead of a Finney revival and agonised for hundreds of hours in intercessory prayers. In fact, he groaned so much on one occasion that his landlady ran to Finney in the wee hours of the morning. 'Bro Finney, something is wrong with Father Nash. He is groaning and crying and as I peeped through cracks on the keyhole, I can see he is in intense agony and pain!' Finney smiled at the good-natured sister and replied 'Nash will be just fine. Go back to sleep.' If we ever wondered how Finney got to where he did with God, let us not only examine his sermons, let's try to study the prayers that assailed him. Preaching his sermon verbatim is a pass time that will not yield the results so desired. Continue...