Thursday, 13 February 2014

The Powerful Tool of PRAYER!

 The call to prayer is a commandment. I have often said that evangelism without prayers is like a grenade without a detonator. It is like noisy cymbals. It will do as much good as twitching your thumb and hollering 'Twinkle twinkle little star. How I wonder what you are!' Yes, the Gospel is powerful but not the letter of it, the letter killeth!

No man, I argue again, has the right to tell men about God without first talking to God about men. Once God hears and acknowledges your voice, men will run to you when you call. Great soul winners are without fail great soul cravers in prayers. Continue...
Luke 18:1 states unequivocally that men ought always to pray and not to faint. The Bible said to 'pray without ceasing' 1Thessalonians5:17-it is a command not a suggestion. Elsewhere 'Continue in prayer, and watch in the same with thanksgiving' Colossians 4:2. Romans12:12 '...CONTINUING instant in prayer'. Prayer is called labour (Colossians4:12) and a travail (Galatian4:19). Yet Paul says often and again ' prayers often (2Corinthians11:27)

Prayer is our most potent tool and Jesus never downed his 'tool' sometimes praying all night long. Even now, Jesus prays still for us! Yet, the Holy Spirit opened my eyes to something in the wee hours of today regarding the role of right living and effectual prayer. 'For the eyes of the Lord are over the righteous and His ears are open unto their prayers; but the face of the Lord is against them that do evil!' 1Peter3:12.

Righteousness makes prayer potent but sin robs prayer of its power. I know some reading this blog will say 'well we are righteous by faith' Well, I mean appropriated righteousness! Righteousness by right living. If righteousness is not validated by right living it is fake! Did you notice Peter said 'God's face is set against THOSE THAT DO EVIL!'? Well if you do evil your prayers won't mount to a heap of beans! When James wrote those famous words 'the prayer of a RIGHTEOUS MAN availeth much...' James5:16c, he meant what he said. Right-living is the power of the Christian. Let's probe further. Jesus said when we keep His commandments, we may ask anything we please and it shall be done for us (John14:21etc) Jesus clearly showed that the promise is for true disciples not sinners. Also, John9:31 'Now we know GOD HEARETH NOT sinners: but if any man be a worshipper of God AND DOETH HIS WILL, him He heareth'

'If my people who are called by my name shall HUMBLE THEMSELVES and PRAY, see My face and turn from their EVIL WAYS, THEN WILL I HEAR from heaven...' 2Chronicles7:14 are the very words of Jehovah spoken so many years ago in response to Solomon's supplication. We NEED to pray but let us put on holy garments of righteousness! There is hardly any use seeking it any other way! I need knees to join me on the floor! I am down there craving an outpouring, a shaking, a stirring, a transformation, a mighty wind!

I just got a call. A dear sister in my church died in the prime of her age. Why? Prayer, prayer, prayer, prayer! Ye receive not because ye ask not. Ye ask and receive not because ye ask amiss! See, if you ever imagined like Gideon where God's Mighty Hand went, look at the mirror and lay the blame! God is faithful! Until we start praying we will keep playing while satan continues to have a field day!

Join me brethren I pray- let's not stand back and watch God's movement decline to a monument! I call you again to prayer. As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord!

Evangelist Eric Katchy

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