Thursday, 27 March 2014

Healings That Stood The Test of Time (2)

 Jean Neil was a very sick woman. In fact she had been sick for 25 years prior to 1988. Everyone in her church knew that and they also knew well her determination to always be in the house of the Lord regardless of the searing pains that saw her always leaving her seat to hobble with her two crutches only to spend long periods with both crutches under her armpits and her back against the wall. Between clenched teeth she whispered her love to the Lord through each wave of pains that built up to a crescendo! She was determined to always be in church as soon as the doors opened even if her pains killed her-that way, she would move from glory to glory! Continue...

Wednesday, 26 March 2014

Healings That Stood The Test of Time (1)


From the years 1957 to 1972 spanning a torturous pain-filled 15 years, Delores Winder went time and again under the operating knives of surgeons all in a bid to fight her rather debilitating illness, but her ordeal was a frustrating one. In spite of the best medical care, she found herself getting progressively worse until she was for all practical purpose an invalid. To move at all, she had to wear a full body cast and a neck brace. Her pains were unbearable and her case was hopeless. Only a miracle could save her and she hardly believed in miracles. Together with her family, she braced up herself for the worst-the inevitable, until the invitation came… Continue