I am not opposed to visions but I downplay them in comparison to the Word of God. I fear for those whose only Divine connectivity is visions dreams and trances. Satan can fake trances too but the Word of the Lord is a 'more sure word of prophecy' that abideth forever.(Psalms119:89; 2 Peter1:19; 1 Peter1:25)
I believe in visions. All through the Bible visions were used repeatedly by God
to communicate to His people and to reveal Divine secrets or agenda. I
therefore would have been bothered if I never had visions but thank God I've
had and still have them. Continue...
four months ago, I had a telling dream and although it was God's personal
direction to me, I believe it could be just as beneficial to anybody.
that dream, I was having a time of my life in my local church. (I worship at
the world renowned 50,000 capacity Faith Tabernacle, Canaan Land Ota,
Nigeria-headquarters of Living Faith Church AKA Winners' Chapel). We were
watching a moving testimony on screen of a man that got healed of some serious
malady. I was glued to the screen as the man's testimony was being replayed and
I was enthused at God's power!
Rev. W.F. Kumuyi of Deeper Life Bible Church came on the platform midway
through the testimonial and asked the screen to be shut down! I was stunned but
the screen was shut down and Kumuyi began to preach one of those his trademark
bible-lessons on holiness and right living. I was glued to him and a bit
bemused at his boldness! (Please this is a dream I had and not a forum for
went ahead to make an altar call for those who want a deeper walk in holiness
and every aisle in Faith Tabernacle was jammed! I remember whispering aloud
'Now, this is something!' I never saw it in that fashion. After leading what seems like tens of thousands of
penitents in simple but powerful prayer, Kumuyi prayed the simplest prayer I
have ever heard for the sick! I watched after he prayed ad dead people began to
jack back to life all over the auditorium! Arms and limbs were growing out even
in cases where they had been amputated!
was shocked and thrilled! The service was heaven! After the service, I had the
privilege of talking one on one with Kumuyi and he told me unapologetically
that holiness was the master-key to victorious life in Christ. In fact while he
was passionately expounding this precept to me, his wife came to say a thing or
two to him and he firmly replied 'Can you excuse me, I am busy' The wife
apologised and left us. That surprised me also.
woke up from this dream surprised it was a dream but just as convinced that God
is trying to say something to me. Holiness is what will deliver the kind of
breakthrough I personally desire in ministry. It is true I suppose for you
reading the blog.
bless you from Lagos Nigeria.
Eric Katchy
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