Saturday, 30 August 2014

The Samaritans

In the days before, in this century of ours, great men of God have emerged and left a mark in the sands of time. Evangelists have been born and they’ve made sound impact. Such that we hold pride to are Late Bishop Benson Idahosa and the likes that shook hell during their time
But there are two particular characters in the bible I will like to draw attention to today. I call them The Samaritans. The Samaritans for vivid spotlight are persons I consider Evangelists. Evangelists that testified and spread the word by actions and by recommendations

The Good Samaritan is one man to reckon with when it comes to showing love and allowing our character draw others closer to the saviour. Yes! I agree he’s just an illustration in the story of our Lord Jesus. But isn’t he a perfect replica of the type of character Jesus wants us, His beloved sons and daughters, to wear and spread? In Matthew 22:36-40, Jesus admonishes us about the greatest commandments that we should keep and “love your neighbour as yourself” is not an exclusion. What better way to easily preach the gospel than to show LOVE!
Oh! The woman by the well! The thirst for truth. The woman of Samaria I’d rather call the Samaritan Woman. Many indices were against that epic meeting but grace prevailed over the law. According to an analysis:
1)      Jews weren’t supposed to speak to Samaritans
2)      Men weren’t permitted to address women without their husbands present
3)      Rabbis had no business speaking to shaddy ladies such as this one
The Samaritan Woman focussed on the law hence she said: How can you ask me for a drink (John 4:9). But Jesus focussed on grace. Grace prevailed! The woman turned an evangelist after an unveiling of the truth. She wanted others to be witnesses to the truth.
“She left her water pot, and went her way into the city, and said to the men…” She left her burden at the presence of the Lord for the work of an evangelist; to call many unto the saviour; to join her as a witness to the truth: “I that speak unto thee am he” (Verse 26).  This evangelist was passionate and got to business almost immediately!
The Samaritans are a lesson to us in character and indeed. Even as we are passionate about the Lord’s business, let us not be found wanting in character because our character as well is a message of goodwill and good news to the world.

1 comment:

  1. Some of the greatest truths are very simple indeed! Make me like one of those Samaritans Lord! Whoever said '...nothing good can come out of Samaria'????!!!!!
